Love of Longsuffering


Galatians 5:22, “The fruit of the spirit is…longsuffering…”

I Corinthians 13:4, “Love suffereth long…”



1. A woman who for a season lived among a people of another language and race relates this story.

— One day she complained to a missionary friend, “This people are so self-interested, soft on themselves, hard on others, so unreasonable and unreasoning.” Her missionary friend smiled a little and said, “That’s why they need us so.”

2. People so need us and our Christian virtue of longsuffering to help them and lead them to the source of longsuffering — Jesus Christ.

3. As we study this heavenly virtue, longsuffering, let’s remember that longsuffering is the Spirit of Christ that the Holy Spirit is in us to reveal and manifest.

— John 16:15, “He shall take of mine, and shew it unto you.”


1. Keeps one level-headed always and not short tem- pered.

2. When faced with unpleasant words, actions or doings.

3. Enables to not misunderstand and misjudge others according to their words or actions.

4. Those unable to perform a task according to our expectation.

5. Demonstrated with exasperating and provoking people.


1. A forbearance which endures injuries and evil deeds without being provoked to anger or revenge.

2. No amount of different or repeated attacks can cause to give in and be provoked to retaliate.

3. Stops the birth of words or actions that would later regret and bring satanic condemnation.


1. This courage to keep looking and expecting the best supports endurance.

2. As set refusal to abandon hope in anyone.

3. Not merely accepting life with resignation, but acts in a positive way.

4. Stirs to go on and on in spite of all verbal, visible or even physical abuse.

— In response to William Booth’s “Salvation Army” the enemy started a group called “Skeleton Army” to oppose Salvation Army officers preaching in London. One day a drunk shouted and knocked him down. Stunned and dazed he managed a smile and said, “May God bless you, sir,” and continued preaching.


1. The ability to regard the persecutor without resent- ment or malice.

2. The unresponsive, unteachable, undisciplined and uncommitted.

3. God’s longsuffering with Israel, the present day church, we present day Christians and sinners of all generations.

— II Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concern- ing His promises, as some men count slack- ness, but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance.”


1. I John 4:4, “He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world.”

2. Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.”

3. Romans 8:37, “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us…”

II Cor. 2:14, “Now thanks be to God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.”



Love of Longsuffering



We’re going to see a lot of changes take place in these last days. In 1975 I prophesied, when the interest was 5 and 6 percent, it would be 15 and 20 percent. When a hospital room cost $50, I said it would cost $150 to $200. An insurance policy was $5, but it would cost $25. A medical prescription was $5, but it would cost $25. Well, all those things are happening. We’re going to see more, and more, and more. Can you say amen?

That’s why I gave you the prophecy last week . I want to just take a few minutes now, before we get into today’s message. I taught you about end time victorious living. There are two particular things we’re going to have to really develop to be able to handle it.

Remember the first thing was God has a plan for your life. God chose you. God elected you. You are the children of God for this day and this hour. God has never made a mistake and saved the wrong person, that’s the first thing we talked about.

The second thing we talked about is, because of this, Satan hates you. He hates all humans, but he hates you more, because you know God chose you, God’s elected you, and God has a plan for your life. Are you with me now? So many times Christians don’t conceive that we’re in a war zone, we don’t just live down here. They know about God and they know about the devil. But they don’t realize always out to kill, steal and destroy.

The third thing we talked about, you have to know Satan’s two major weapons that he’s going to use upon you. People and problems. All your life you’ll live with people and problems. He knows who to use on you to get you angry, bitter, resentful, frustrated. Why? It don’t just happen. He knows the problems to use. Are you with me now?

Then the fourth thing we talked about, you must know how to overcome it. First we talked about, if you want to be where everybody treats you good and you have no problems, put your hand on your heart, let Him stop it so you can go to heaven. Remember that?

Then we talked about suffering, being miserable, griping, grumbling, mumbling, complaining.

And finally we talked about growing up and learning how to handle it.

Now I’m going to teach on longsuffering. See, it is God’s provision for living with people. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering. That’s the fourth one. Now longsuffering is a fruit the Lord has provided for Christians, because He knows you live with people down here. And see, then patience is a branch off of longsuffering, because He knows problems are down here. Everybody has to face them, and deal with people and problems. Can you say amen?

So therefore, you see, what I want to do, in this book, I’ll be giving you outlines and dealing with longsuffering. Fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. Nine of the fruit of the Spirit.

Now, what are these nine fruit of the Spirit for? They’re not all for the same thing, they’re God’s divine provisions to give you and I what we need to live victoriously down here. Are you still here? But most Christians never get hold of longsuffering and patience.

I taught this quite some time ago on Wednesday night for the end time preparation, and we went through it. The Lord said, “Son, I want you to teach it on Sunday morning and go through it again.”

Because see, as we enter these latter days, if it doesn’t happen here in the next few years, further down the road somewhere, we’re going to have some rough, tough times in America, and we don’t want to be afraid or fearful, God hasn’t give us the spirit of fear. But listen, you think people doing you wrong has been bad so far, you just wait, because see, Satan knows who to use to get you. Any time people do you wrong, it don’t just happen, there’s a Satanic strategy behind it. He knows exactly what to have people say that will do what? Get you. He knows what to have people do, and what do you do? As long as everybody treats you good, how are you? Happy. People don’t treat you right, how are you? Are you with me now?

So you live your lives like this. But as Christians see, God has made a provision. Longsuffering is a divine provision, it’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit. What for? Why would God give us a fruit of the Holy Spirit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance? For a purpose.

You know what it’s like? It’s like, as a human you have arms, legs, ears, eyes, nose, you have a purpose. Well see, the fruit of the Holy spirit has a divine purpose to help you and I to walk in victory down here.

Now look at your outline, on this teaching. Next time we’ll be talking about “Longsuffering: The Queen of Virtue.” Today we’re talking about “Longsuffering: Is Love Under Pressure.” Are you hearing me now? Galatians 5:22 says, “The fruit of the Spirit is” what? Longsuffering. “Love, joy, peace,” the fourth is what? “Longsuffering.” Let me say to you again church, the fruit of the Spirit is not just given so you can say you got something. They’re a vital part of your Christian life. Like your hands are a vital part of your physical life. If you lose an arm, it interferes with you. If you don’t have longsuffering, it interferes with your spiritual growth. If you lose a leg and an arm, it interferes more with you.

So now understand that these nine fruit of the Spirit are vital, important to your Christian life, otherwise see, you just know them and say them. And the Bible says, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” Now I thank God He helped me learn these things years ago, just the grace of God. Are you following me now?

Okay, I Corinthians 13:4 says, “Love suffers” what? “Long.” See, love suffers long. God’s love, through the fruit of longsuffering, will help you to put up with things that normally would eat you up. My, you’d get angry, bitter, resentful, everything, but see, longsuffering will help you to handle it. As long as you’re down here, you’ve got to live with two things, what are they? People and problems.

But God knows that. Don’t you understand? God knows everything, and He knows you and I got to live with people. The devil knows we’re all different, so he knows exactly who to use, what to have them say to punch your button. Are you all still here? Anybody that never had your button punched, raise your hand, I’ll cast that lying spirit out of you. It happens to everybody, it’s like daylight and dark. But you learn how to live with daylight and dark, and you’ve got to learn how to live with people.

Okay, let me say this before we get on number one here. You must realize the purpose of people doing you wrong is to get you in unforgiveness, which is hell on earth. And it’s the number one thing that blocks your prayers. See, Satan knows God will answer your prayer and help you. He knows that, so how is he going to stop it? He can’t stop God, he’s got to stop you. So he knows who to use, have them do you wrong, take advantage of you, which happens to everybody.

You may say, “How about Jesus, what did they do to Him?”

They lied about Him, spit on Him, beat Him, whipped Him, ran Him out of town, nailed Him to the cross. Even the ones He trained left Him. What did He say? “Forgive them.” What do we say? “Kill them.” Why does the Bible show this to us? The Lord said, “I made provision for you down there.” See our God gave you hands, and arms, and eyes. If you don’t have your eyes you can’t see, you can’t function as well. If you don’t have your ears, or you don’t have a hand or a leg, you can’t function as well. Now you could keep on functioning, but not as well. When you don’t have longsuffering, you can keep on functioning, but not near as well, because you’re missing one of God’s provisions for us to live with people down here, because everybody is different. Are you all still here? That’s God’s plan you see.

So unforgiveness is Satan’s hell on earth. He’ll have people do you wrong, so you get into resentment, bitterness, criticism, unforgiveness, and do you know what happens? As a Christian, do you know what happens? Your prayers are blocked. That’s what He said. God wrote every Scripture on prayer in the Bible, He says, “When you pray, what things soever when you pray believe you receive them,” then He says, “But if you don’t forgive I won’t give you.”

Yeah, the major Scriptures on prayer, God answer your prayer, has to deal always with unforgiveness. So what gets people in unforgiveness? The number one thing is what? People. Are you all still here? What’s the source of unforgiveness? People. That’s Satan’s strategy see?

But you know what? Thank God for the love of God, He made provisions for us. And see, here in these latter days, He wants us to learn these things, learn how to live with them.

1. A woman who for a season lived among a people of another language and race relates this story. Okay, number one, a woman for a season lived among a people of another language and race and relates this story. One day she complained to a missionary friend, “These people are so self-interested, soft on themselves, hard on others, so unreasonable and unreasoning.” Her missionary friend smiled a little and said, “That’s why they need us so.” Hello?

People talk about you, do you wrong, take advantage of you, that’s why they need us around. We can show them there’s another way of living. That’s why the missionary said, “That’s why they need us.” We don’t want to be like them. Brother and sister, we don’t want to be like we were before we became Christians. But then what happens many times, we were like that, we get saved, but we keep on being like that in many, many ways. But we want to quit that.

The Bible says in these latter days, you’re going to need to keep everything clean between you and the Lord so your faith will work, and longsuffering is only one of the keys to it.

2. People so nee us and our Christian virtue of longsuffering to help them and lead them to the source of longsuffering — Jesus Christ. Your next thought there now, people so need us and our Christian virtue and longsuffering, why? To help lead them to the source of longsuffering, which is what? Jesus Christ. That’s why they need to see us being different about it. They need to see us be longsuffering. All the history of all the nations of the world, teach stuff like that, as being weakness. They deal with a strong stick, stand your ground, you’ve got your rights, don’t let anybody take advantage of you. Does that sound like Jesus, huh? Anybody never been that way, raise your hand, I’ll cast that lying spirit out of you. That’s what the devil has done. Are you following me now?

But you see, we need to be different, especially in these latter days. Because there are going to be so many people out there that will be hurt, and wounded, frustrated, discouraged, confused. They need a light, and God has called us to be a light, and we can tell them, “Jesus can help you in the midst of it.” Are you with me now? Sure is quiet.

3. As we study this heavenly virtue, longsuffering, let’s remember that longsuffering is the Spirit of Christ that the Holy Spirit is in us to reveal and manifest. Let’s go on now to number three, the next thought here. As we study this heavenly virtue now, it’s not a natural virtue, it’s a heavenly virtue, it’s a fruit of the Spirit, longsuffering. Let’s remember that longsuffering is a Spirit of Christ that the Holy Spirit is in us to reveal and manifest. It’s the Spirit of Christ and, “The Holy Spirit is in us to reveal and manifest longsuffering.

Naturally, it’s not a natural concept, it’s not a natural principle, it’s not an earthly, humanistic principle, it’s a divine principle. Jesus said, “Hey, I know the world you live in down there, I know people how they’re going to be, I’m going to give you a remedy for it, I’m going to teach you how to handle it so you can deal with people and be a witness to them,” you see?

So John 16:15 says what? “He shall take of mine and show it unto you.” The Holy Spirit, brothers and sisters, shall take of His and show it unto us. What’s His? Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, huh? Gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. So we do what today? Longsuffering. What we do today is like what, like you’re arm. If you’re missing an arm, you can’t no where near function as well. When you’re missing this grace of longsuffering, then you can’t function with people near as well. You can’t be the light and example that God wants you to be. Are you following me now?

I. LONGSUFFERING IS LONG LASTING CALMNESS. Okay, let’s look at some practical things about longsuffering that apply to our daily lives. Number one, longsuffering is long lasting calmness. Longsuffering is what? Long lasting calmness. It teaches you how you can be calm in the midst of all kinds of things. Are you following me now? It’s a long lasting calmness.

Because see, if you don’t have longsuffering, when people get you what happens? The calmness, what happened to it? It goes, ahhh. You all still here? Or, you do what? Walk around with your face looking long, having your pity party, hello? You having your pity party, you ahhhh.

1. Keeps one level-headed always and not short tempered. Alright, number one underneath this hear, it keeps one level headed always and not short tempered. Brothers and sisters, longsuffering is to help us not to be so short tempered. Now we know some people, naturally, can control their tempers better, but some people you can snap your fingers, and they’ll ahhhh. Some people you may have to snap your fingers five or six times before they lost it. We’re all different. Are you following me now?

But see, longsuffering, that’s what it’s for, you see? See, it’s to help us to be level headed always and not short tempered, you see? Now short tempered and angry is not a characteristic of God. Are you with me now? It’s not a divine characteristic, it’s a satanic characteristic. All the short tempered, and all this stuff we go through, short suffering, all this stuff, that’s not a divine characteristic, it’s a natural characteristic that all humans have. But now that we’re Christians, with Jesus inside of us, we have another characteristic that’s greater. And as we learn how to let that characteristic work in our lives, it can help us in all these things.

2. When faced with unpleasant words, actions or doings. Number two there, when faced with unpleasant words, actions or doings, longsuffering is long lasting comments when you’re faced with unpleasant words, actions or things people done you wrong. Are you all still here? Well we all face unpleasant things, unpleasant words, unpleasant actions, unpleasant things that people do to us. Are you all still here? Anybody here that doesn’t face any of these, raise your hand, and I’ll cast that lying spirit out of you.

See, it’s life. How many of you here don’t breathe and you still live? It’s impossible. You’ve got to breathe to live. Well down here you have to face these things, but see Jesus Christ made provisions so we can learn how to walk in victory through it all. Are you following me now?

3. Enables to not misunderstand and misjudge others according to their words or actions. Okay, number three there, longsuffering is long lasting calmness that enables to not misunderstand and misjudge others according to their words or actions. See, it gives you a different insight to people. You’ll hear what they say, you know what they’re saying, but see naturally you think it means this, but with longsuffering there is grace and mercy there. Aren’t you glad Jesus is longsuffering with us? Aren’t you glad He longed for us before we became Christians? Can you imagine the lives that some of us lived, and He still was longsuffering with us, didn’t kill us and wipe us out. Are you still here?

He still saved us, can you imagine with that kind of love and longsuffering? It’s beyond the natural mind of people. But see, you’ve got to remember how He loved you and was longsuffering toward you when you were a sinner, and can you imagine He stopped it? He’s still doing it. It’s still there. But He says, “Now children, you’re a Christian, you’re a child of God, now you have like an arm of longsuffering, you have a gift of longsuffering, you have to learn how to develop it.” It takes some time, but it takes time for a child to grow up, it takes time to grow up.

The Bible says, “In these latter days without longsuffering you’ll stay angry, resentful, bitter, and critical, because of all the wrongs that will be done to you,” and what will the devil be doing? Clapping his hands, you know why? Because he knows then all your prayers is useless. He’ll say, “God, you said, that if they have unforgiveness, you won’t hear them.”

So what he does, he gets people to do you wrong, so you get resentful, bitter, and critical and unforgiveness, why? He can’t block your prayers, he’s causing you to block them. Are you all following me, Church? Okay.

4. Those unable to perform a task according to our expectation. Number four there, longsuffering is long lasting calmness to those unable to perform a task according to our expectations. Anybody here ever get short with someone that didn’t do something like you wanted them to do it? Hello? Hello? Longsuffering. If everybody performs to suit your standards, how are you? Well that’s great, good, well that’s nice, ahhh. But they don’t perform and meet your standards how are you? “Well, you need to take another look what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, because it don’t please, Yahweh and me. As long as Yahweh and me, and you perform like I want you to, but if you don’t perform like Yahweh and me want you to.”

Must be one person in here has experienced that. Well let him have all you over for dinner. All right. What are we talking about now? Longsuffering, this grace of God now. What for? Why would God want to give us these fruits? Just so we confess, I’ve got the fruit of the Spirit, the love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance?

No, He gives it to us for us to learn the value and importance of it and how it’s to be used. Are you still with me now? Okay.

II. LONGSUFFERING IS LONG LASTING ENDURANCE. Number two, as we’re talking about longsuffering. Longsuffering is long lasting endurance.

1. A forbearance which endures injuries and evil deeds without being provoked to anger or revenge. Longsuffering is a forbearance which endures injuries, evil deeds, or wrong without being provoked to anger or revenge. How does that sound? Does that sound natural? That is contrary to the natural thing, you know? Huh? Would you do me wrong, I’m going to get you back. You lie about me, I lie about you.

So what is it? It’s long lasting endurance you see, so you can endure the injuries of people, the wrongs, without being angry or revengeful. Didn’t Jesus do that? He could have called ten thousand angels and wiped them out, huh? But He didn’t, why? The Lord said, “I sent Him down there to demonstrate to you the fruit of the Spirit of longsuffering.” He said, “I’m longsuffering with you.” Jesus was longsuffering. The Lord said, “You’re my children, now, and now you have that character, now you have that divine attribute of longsuffering in you,” but you have to learn how to use it and what it is, can you say amen? So it’s long lasting endurance.

2. No amount of different or repeated attacks can cause to give in and be provoked to retaliate. Number two there, longsuffering, no amount of different or repeated attacks can cause you to give in and be provoked to retaliate. Does that sound very practical to human nature? How does the flesh think about that? No way. That’s right, there, yes, you see you might do it to me once, but not again. Come on, somebody give me some others. Liar. Liar.

We all live with it, can you follow me now? See, we’re talking about something that applies to everybody, every human, but especially us Christians. But see, the lost people out there, they don’t have this divine characteristic of longsuffering, they’re not Christians. But once we become a Christian, we have this divine fruit characteristic in us, but we have to learn how to submit and surrender to it, so it can have it’s way. Are you following me now?

3. Stops the birth of words or actions that would later regret and bring satanic condemnation. So no amount of difference. Number three, about long lasting endurance, it stops the birth of words or actions that we’ll later regret and that bring satanic condemnation. Has someone ever done you wrong, upset you? And you shot your mouth off, and later wished you hadn’t said what you said? Hello? It’s happened to everybody. Or, have you ever had something done to you, you may not say them, but your actions though gets the message across. Are you with me now?

But see, this is how we were when we were lost, the thing bothered us, but we still do it as Christians. But see, God has made provisions for us through Jesus Christ, and then to work with the fruit of the Spirit of longsuffering. Let’s go through that one again. No amount of different repeated attacks can cause us to give in and be provoked to retaliate.

You might say, “Well, what if I do retaliate?”

We’ll talk about it later, what you got to do? Put your finger around here on your nose and say, “Lord, forgive me.” Now they’re wrong, you’ve heard me say it many times, they’re wrong, but if I get angry, I’m wrong. See, if I walk down here to the brother, and slap him side the head, I’d be wrong. If he jumped up and hit me, he’d be wrong, and the devil would whip both of us. He whip both of us. That’s Satan’s strategy. He has people do you wrong, take advantage of you, slap it to you, and you get angry and bitter and resentful, so the devil laughs, ha, ha, ha, I got both the suckers. Are you all still here?

So you see, it stops it. But it brings satanic condemnation. See, now the Lord will convict you so you can repent of t, but the devil condemns you about it, “You’re a Christian, look how you act, look at what you’re saying.” The Lord loves you, He’ll convict you of it. But see conviction from the Holy Spirit is so you can repent, and He can correct and help you. Condemnation from the devil, so he can put you down, make you sorry, good for nothing, so you can’t handle it. You need to know the difference, conviction from the Holy Spirit, and condemnation from the devil.

Any time you don’t act right, the devil is going to condemn you. He’s going to condemn you, why? He hates you. He wants you to get more angry, more bitter, more resentful, and more critical. Why? Is that going to help you? You’re killing yourself, suicide.

Jesus wants you to be more longsuffering. But see, the whole of humanity will say it’s weakness. They said it’s like being a donkey, ain’t got no sense, the whole thing is a strong, stick stand your ground. Does that sound like Jesus?

But then we’re singing, “Oh how I love Jesus because He first loved me.” Then we’d sing, “He’s all I need,” but don’t you do me that way, I ain’t going to put up with it, but singing “He’s all I need.” What are we talking about? Longsuffering.

You see, brothers and sisters, as it gets worse, here in America, and worse all over the world, Christians here and in all the world got to learn this longsuffering, you know why? You’ve been done wrong, but it’s going to get worse. And you know why? The devil is going to be hitting at you more, because he knows you’re a Christian. He’s got to get you bitter and resentful, why? Then he knows all your praying will be useless. See, he knows God gives you grace for it, so you’ll be longsuffering, so you won’t let it get you, because if you do, it will get you.

Now they’re wrong, what they do to you, but two wrongs don’t make a right. So the devil laughs. He’ll make sure you get taken advantage of, he’ll make sure you get done wrong, why? To get you in unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, critical, etc., etc. You all still here today?

III. LONGSUFFERING IS LONG LASTING COURAGE. Okay, let’s just go on, number three now, as we talk about this subject. Number three, longsuffering is long lasting courage. See, in the outline next week I’ll give you a lot more Scriptures for it. Today I’m just giving you some of the practical things and you can start realizing, “Lord, I need to get hold of this fruit of longsuffering, it needs to be developed in my life.”

1. This courage to keep looking and expecting the best supports endurance. Number one there, this courage to keep looking and expecting the best, it supports endurance. Longsuffering helps you keep on looking, expecting the best. You don’t give up. Did you notice the sign on the doors when you came in? What’s it say, you never fail till you stop trying. It will keep you still looking at the people who have done you wrong, and still expect the best. You know, someone can do you bad, bad, bad, bad, but you know what? The person is saved, accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, and they’re going to be so sorry of it. Say amen? They’ll repent.

But see, you’ll still remember the wrong, and not remember that Jesus Christ has redeemed us from it. What is it? It’s the courage to keep on looking and expecting the best. See, whenever you’ve got that attitude, it supports endurance. Oh you can keep on going with people, and they’ll talk about you, lie about you, reject you, do this, do that to you, but you’ll have an endurance that they will be amazed at. Are you still here? You’ll still be able to go on.

Hey, you know they’re wrong, but you know if you’d get down at their level, you’d get wrong. See, someone gets at you, then what do you do? You get down and you got two dogs together, but then you turn right back and say, “Jesus, I love you, oh hallelujah, praise the Lord.” Now I’m sure this doesn’t apply to anyone that’s here today, but you may want to get this tape and send it to some friends you know, some people you know who need it.

But you know what though? It takes one to know one, doesn’t it? Can you spot any of this stuff in people? Guess why? Hello? So see, that’s why He wants to do a deeper, greater work in us. I thank God I got a hold of these things many years ago. I was teaching this, and said, “Lord.” Otherwise the things that had been done me, these so many years, I couldn’t have survived. And I could give you story, after story, and testimonies.

Back in the early days, a lot of these denomination groups were getting started, Charismatic, they moved, they all wanted me to be part of them. But I wouldn’t, boy, I could tell you some things that happened. But I just learned to, well like you said, I have a good teacher, natural teacher down here, L-y-n-n, Lynn back there. You all don’t know him. You know what you do? You raise your voice. Say he’s over there to empty the trash at the office, you know, and he spills a little coffee on the floor or something, you raise your voice at him, “Lynn look at there.”

He looks at you like, “What’s wrong with you?” Do you know what he’ll do? Like he says, “What’s your problem?” Yeah, what’s your problem?

See, we’ve got to learn to be that way. When someone gets angry, or bitter, or resentful, we just had to look at them with compassion, and we just say, “Lord, help her, help him,” because you know they got a problem. They’re a Christian, wait a minute now, even if they’re lost, it’s a problem. But see, if you let their problems control you, then it defeats you. Are you all still here today?

2. A set refusal to abandon hope in anyone. The second one, a set refusal to abandon hope in anyone. Longsuffering gives you a set refusal to abandon hope in anyone. You think God should abandon hope in us long, long time ago? Hello? Them years before we got saved, do you think He should have just gave up on us? Or maybe it’s since we’ve been Christians sometime, the things we say, the things we do, the way we act. Aren’t you glad that He don’t give up on us? You know why? The love of God is still here, so He has compassion for us, you know? So you won’t abandon hope in people.

I mean, it can be the worst, toughest thing that they done, the one that done you the worst, but you know what? You’ll still be expecting Jesus to turn them around. Hey, if you don’t do that, who’s going to do it? Who’s going to pray for those kind of people? Are you all still here? Who’s going to pray for them if we don’t pray for them? Huh? Anybody that cries outside of the body of Christ. If we don’t pray for them, who’s going to pray for them? That’s what God got us here for. So it gives you long lasting courage to do it.

3. Not merely accepting life with resignation, but acts in a positive way. Alright, number three there. Longsuffering, long lasting courage is not merely accepting life with resignation, but acts in a positive way. Always expecting Jesus to work it out. You might always be looking for the Lord to change your husband, hello girls? Husband, you might be looking for the Lord to change your wife, hello men? It’s not the wives that need to be changed, it’s the men who need to be changed girls, you all know that don’t you? But see, you don’t just accept life with resignation, but act in a positive way, you’re always expecting the Lord to change somebody.

But see, without longsuffering though, you won’t think that way. Without longsuffering you won’t feel that way. “No, I ain’t going to fool with them, the way they are, where they’ve been, ba, ba, ba, ba.” That sounds like the Holy Spirit talking, huh? That’s the evil devil, isn’t it, huh? So we got to say, “Lord, help me to develop this characteristic of longsuffering.” Because as long as we live down here, we’ve got to live with what? People and what? Problems. All of our lives.

And we all are different. God knows we’re different, but see, Satan knows it also, so he knows who to use to punch your button. He knows exactly what to have them come say. Somebody might come up to you and say, “Ah, is that gray I see in your hair?” Especially you ladies, you’ll say, ahhh. And the devil’s ha, ha, ha. “Hey, are you putting on weight?” Well. Are you all still here?

Do you think I should make a survey of what things get men and what things get women? You all think I should do that? I see a lot of heads shaking. What’s the matter, don’t you want to know? Are you all still here today? This is something we all have to live with, as long as we’re here on planet earth. Now if you don’t want to have to live with people, don’t want to have to face these things, take your hand and put it on your heart, and say, “Jesus, stop my heart so I can go to heaven.” Are you all hearing me now?

So we have to accept it, we have to live with it. But we have to accept that Jesus Christ has made provisions, that “greater is He that is in us than he that’s in the world.” That we’re more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, and with that fruit of longsuffering inside of us, it can help us to be so much different. Like I’ve told you at different times, some of the things that people said to me, and done to me, and I just smile and go on. I just learned how to get away, I’ve decided to follow Jesus.

Do you know what you’ve got to do? You’ve got to either stand there and stand your ground, or get away.

“Well, I’m not going to get away, I’m going to stand my ground.”

Sound like Jesus, huh? Remember He was standing before the ruler of the land, and He wouldn’t even answer the ruler of the land. Do you know what that ruler said? He said, “Don’t you know that I have power to kill you?” Jesus didn’t even answer him. Hello? I wonder why that’s in the Bible? Can’t be for us, got to be for other Christians.

No, you see, Church, we’ve got to grow up and face some of these things. See, most Christians don’t want to face these things, they don’t want to honestly admit it. They want to cover it up and camouflage it. But see, once you face it, then the Lord will help you overcome it and walk in victory. Once you say, “Lord, yes.”

My button gets punched a lot of times, you know why I know a lot about that? Ex-do-do can spot do-dos a mile off. Hello? It seems like when I started learning this many years ago, see my button was getting punched about ten times more. Then the Lord just showed it to me. I said, “Lord, why?”

He said, “Son, the devil knows you’re learning.” So you’ve got to bring a big army in. I said, “Lord, just do a deep work in me.” Because see, he knows if he gets us in unforgiveness, resentment, and bitterness, he knows all of our prayers just blocked. Are you all still here? Okay.

4. Stirs to go on and on in spite of all verbal, visible or even physical abuse. Number four, we’re talking about longsuffering, it’s long lasting courage. It stirs you to go on and on in spite of all verbal, visible or even physical abuses. It will give you the power to go on. See, without longsuffering you can’t go on. You’ll stand your ground and fight. But with longsuffering though, you’ll be able to go on and on and on.

Anybody say, “I don’t think I can handle that.”

Well, you can’t. But through Him we can do how many things? All things through Him. See, He can help us do it, brothers and sisters. You hear me now? What I’m talking to you about, you can’t do it, I can’t do it, none of us naturally can do it. How many of us can naturally take ourselves to heaven? None of us. And none of us naturally can live this way. But through Him, through the fruit of the Holy Spirit of longsuffering, and the fruit, then we can. No more than we can take ourselves to heaven, no more can we do this by ourselves, but through Him we can do it.

Look at the little example there. In response to William Booth’s Salvation Army, the enemy started a group called Skeleton’s Army, to oppose the Salvation Army officers preaching in London. One day a drunk shouted and knocked him down. Stunned and dazed, he managed to smile and said, “May God bless you sir,” and continued preaching.

Now that had to be longsuffering, wasn’t it? Because what were we doing? Hello? Hello? Hello? But see, we’ve got to realize though, with the longsuffering, Jesus can help us to take things that we could not take normally. See, what I’m saying today brothers and sisters, you and I, we can’t handle it ourselves. But through the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the fruit of longsuffering, then we can. Are you with me now?

Like I told you many times, when I got saved, you know, 38 years ago, He set me free from my big five: beer, whiskey, clubs, cursing and cigars. What do you mean set me free from it? It’s all still here, who did He change? Me. See, He changed me. That’s the principle of this. You ain’t going to keep people from talking about you, doing you wrong, taking advantage of you, but how is he going to keep the devil from getting you? He’s going to change you. With the fruit of longsuffering then, it won’t control you. Are you hearing me now? See, change me. How many times have we tried to get God to change everybody to please us? You know where that will be, don’t you? When we get to heaven, but down here it ain’t going to be that way, you’ve got to say, “Lord, change me, so I can handle it.”

IV. LONGSUFFERING IS LONG LASTING FORGIVENESS. Okay, number four, longsuffering is long lasting forgiveness.

1. The ability to regard the persecutor without resentment or malice. The ability to regard persecutors, people who lie about you, take advantage of you, without resentment or malice. Brothers and sisters, naturally that’s not possible. Are you following me now? But through Him we can do how many things?

See, that’s why He gave us the fruit of longsuffering. He said, “I’m going to give you a grace, that is longsuffering.” Once you learn to get it developed, things that people say to you, that used to would get you, man, you’d want to burn. You’d just look at them, and you’ll be amazed at yourself why it don’t bother you.

I know many times I’ve had people say things to me, and do things to me, and I’d be kind of shocked, because it didn’t bother me. And the devil says, “You’re crazy, you lost your mind, don’t you know what they’re saying, what they’re doing?”

I just sing, “I’ve decided to follow Jesus.” Because see, that divine grace is there for every single Christian. I know this is a beginner for you, but see this is a good start for you today. You can start praying, “Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to let this grace of longsuffering develop in me.” Can you say amen?

2. The unresponsive, unteachable, undisciplined and uncommitted. Okay, the second thing in there, about this long lasting forgiveness, the unresponsive, unteachable, undisciplined and uncommitted. So people that, I don’t care how they are, they’re not responding to you, they’re not teachable, they’re not disciplined, they’re not committed, I don’t care how they are about you, hey, you’re just going to forgive them and go on. As I said awhile ago, the best thing to do is be like L-y-n-n, and wife told me, she said, “Don’t call his name,” because every time I call his name, you’ll see him turn around. If I said his name, you know, he knows I said his name.

But we’ve just got to have long lasting forgiveness. We’ve got to say, “Lord, help me.” Are you all still here? Anybody whose never been wrong, raise your hand, and everybody will know that a liar has raised their hand. Hello? Hello? Hello? You all still out there?

See, it’s a part of life. See, Satan is down here, he knows who to use, and what to have them do, to get us. See, once you begin to recognize this, then when people say things, and you feel it coming up inside you, you can just kind of like say, “Devil, I see you, I don’t belong to you no more, devil. You’re not going to use what them people do and say to control me. I’m not controlled from without anymore, I’m controlled from within by the Holy Spirit.”

Anybody say, “Well, Pastor, I do get a little angry and shoot my mouth off.”

Have you all ever seen me do this up here? You just kick yourself, and say, “Lord forgive me, I wanted to shoot them. Lord forgive me, I wanted to put my hand side their head, Lord. Forgive them, Lord. Lord, just forgive me.” You’ve just got to learn how to have a humble heart. And as we get through these four weeks on it, we’re going to be teaching what the Lord told me in 1976, the three keys to the victorious faith walk was meekness, humility and gentleness.

But see, with longsuffering we can learn to live with people. So what I’m doing is giving you some foundational things this week and next week, for you to start meditating these Scriptures and praying over them, because see, it don’t happen overnight. You’ve got it, but see you’ve got to change your thinking and your believing before God can operate for you. Are you with me? So I’m challenging you to do it then, Alright.

3. God’s longsuffering with Israel, the present day Church, we present day Christians and sinners of all generations. Number three there, God’s longsuffering with Israel. Look how many times Israel, God’s people, He’d bring them out of captivity, bless them, you know what they’d do? The next thing then they’d go back to their old ways, end up in captivity again. You know what He’d do? Bring them out again. They’d go back again, and He’d bring them out, bring them out, bring them out. Thank God for His longsuffering.

You know what He’ll do? That’s how He’ll forgive us. Can you say amen? Thank God for His longsuffering with Israel, and with the present day Church. Are you still here? We present day Christians except people at Christian Center Church, hello? We present day Christians, and the sinners of all generations. His longsuffering is still there.

How many sinners, if they’d come here tonight, and say, “I want to accept Jesus,” would He save? Every single one of them. They could come in here, and they could be dopers, drunkards, liars, adulterers, fornicators, thieves, even murderers. They could come here tonight, and say, “Rev. Willis, I want to accept Jesus as my Savior, what do I do?”

And we’d lead them in a prayer, and you know what He’d do? He’d save every single one of them, forgive them all. Are you with me now?

And brothers and sisters, listen to me now, you’ve got to understand that if He’s that longsuffering, and He’ll do that for the sinner, He’ll do it for us, the saved. He’ll do it for us, too. He’ll do it for us, if we’ll ask Him. But see, if we excuse, and justify our short suffering, our anger, our resentment, our bitterness, our criticism, and unforgiveness, if we excuse and justify it, hey then He can’t do it. If the sinner excuses and justifies his life, and don’t ask Jesus as Savior, what will happen? He’ll go to hell.

Brothers and sisters, if you don’t do it, and you excuse and justify it, your unforgiveness will cause a short suffering, then all you do is block your own prayers, and you’re creating your own problems. And Jesus said, “I made provisions for you, I made provisions for all of my children.” So your life will be changed as much as you influence others. Others will be able to, next thing they’ll ask you, “Don’t you know what he said?” “Didn’t you hear what she said?” “Don’t you know what they’ve done to you?”

You say, “Yeah, I know.” They’ll think you’re coo-coo, “You’re crazy? Stand your ground, let them know you’re not going to put up with that.” I’m glad Jesus wasn’t that way, alright, amen?

He was long, long, long, longsuffering, and that fruit of the Spirit is in you and I. Because we’ve got to live down here where the devil lives for a season.

Second Peter 3:9, right there on number 4, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but all should come to repentance.” Can you say amen? He’s longsuffering, He’ll save anybody. And listen, He’ll save any lost person. How many of His children will He forgive, if they repent of short suffering? All of them. How many times? Every time, every time, every time He’ll forgive us.

V. LONGSUFFERING CONTINUES DEVELOPING AS ONE MATURES. Okay, number five, your last thought, just a few Scriptures. Longsuffering continues developing as one matures. Don’t expect for a baby to grow up overnight. I know John and Jamie got a baby back there, two months old, he ain’t going to grow up overnight, it’s going to take some years.

Listen, you won’t grow up overnight getting longsuffering, but I’ll tell you what, He’ll help you grow up fast if you’ll submit to it and be honest and repent. You’ve got to submit, every time you do wrong, repent. Submit, repent, submit, repent. How many times He’ll pick you up? Every time you fall down. How many times will a mama pick up a little baby that’s trying to learn how to walk? How many times will a mama clean a little baby when it messes up? Every time, till it learns how. How many times we pick them up? Every time. How many times will the Lord forgive us and pick us up? Every time. Can you say amen? Every single time.

1. I John 4:4, “He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world.” First John 4:4 says, “He that’s in us, He that is in me is greater than” what? “He that’s in the world.” That means the Holy Spirit in you and I is greater than the devil and everything he’s going to use on us. Greater than the devil, and all the people he’s going to use. As I say, we’ll look at people, then we’re going to look at problems, and help you get the right attitude with people, and right attitude with problems. Because see, if you don’t change, then the devil could still use people and problems and whip you. He knows exactly who, what to have them come say, what happens? It takes over you. He knows exactly what problem. As long as you don’t have that problem, how are you? Ahhh.

Certain problems come and what happens? You’re controlled from without by problems, and without by people. We’re to be controlled from within by the Holy Spirit of the living God. That’s what He wants to do, brothers and sisters. You’re not saved by accident, you’re chosen of God. You don’t live in a church like this, you’re not in a church where pastors, and God say with end time preparation prophets, He takes the gospel to the world, and wants to win every state in the United States and 120 nations. You’re here for a purpose. God wants you to learn these things.

Not just so you can benefit, so you can be a light to others, so you can help others. Brothers and sisters, in rough, tough times, a lot of our brothers and sisters in the Lord don’t know this, but we’ll be able to help them. We’ll even be a light to them and help them. Then they’re going to see the difference in you. Don’t you understand how they do it? They’re doing you wrong, but yet you’re still praising God. You say, “Yes, I understand, but Jesus has given me the fruit of longsuffering to handle it.”

Then they’ll say, “Longsuffering? Fruit of longsuffering?” That’s right, it’s one of the fruit of the Spirit. “Well, what is the fruit of longsuffering?”

Most of them have no comprehension of it. Most of you here today, don’t have very much comprehension of it, but you’re getting a starter today. Are you with me now? All we’re going to be doing in these two teachings of longsuffering and patience, it’s a starter, get the seeds sowed in you, so you can start seeking God for it to work in your life. “He that’s in me is greater than he that’s in the world.” Amen?

2. Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13, I can do how many things? Except be longsuffering? Hello? How many longs, as long as I get what I want, and as long as I’m treated like I want to be treated. That ain’t longsuffering, that’s me-itis. They just want me, want me, happy day. If me don’t get what me want, mad. If me don’t get what me want, mad. “I can do all things,” how? How do we do it, through Who? “Through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.”

See, we can’t do it by ourselves. What I’m talking about, facing people, you can’t handle it by yourself, I can’t but we can do it through Him who lives in us. See, it’s not your power or mine now, we want to know these things. But we have to submit to Him to help us. See if we fail, we repent, you know what He’ll do? He’ll pick us up. The next thing you know, He loves us so much, He’ll let this grace of longsuffering begin to come up inside of you.

I’ll tell you what brothers and sisters, you’ll be amazed and astonished at the things that people say to you that won’t bother you. In fact, you’ll be shocked sometimes the things that will be done to you, and it won’t have no power over you, because the greater One lives inside of you. Then if it does take power over you, what do you do? “Lord, forgive me. I let the devil use them to take power over me. I’m not controlled from without, I’m controlled from within by the Holy Spirit.” You all still here today church?

“Yeah, but you don’t understand my situation.” Hello? “Yeah, but you just don’t understand the situation I’m in.”

Tell Jesus that. Say, “Jesus, you just don’t understand.” Shut up. He’s made provision for all of us, everything.

3. Romans 8:37, “We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us…” Romans 8:37, “We are more than conquerors through Him, Jesus Christ, that loved us.” Can you say amen?

Second Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be to God which” every now and then “causes me to triumph.” In who? Christ Jesus. “Always,” except with the fruit of the spirit of longsuffering. Except with the fruit of the spirit of longsuffering. Except with the fruit of the spirit of longsuffering. Some of you ain’t said always yet. “But you don’t understand my situation. You don’t understand what I’m going though.”

Why don’t you tell God that, tell Him. Come on now, say, “God, you don’t understand what I’m going through. You don’t understand my boss. You don’t understand where I live. You don’t understand my husband. You don’t understand my wife. You don’t understand my situation.” Come on, tell Him.

He knows it all, don’t He? And He’s made provisions for us. Can you say amen? See, He gave us this fruit of longsuffering, because He knows we’re going through rivers, and water, and fires. That’s one of my books, Promise of Deliverance in the Time of Trouble. He says, “When you pass through rivers, waters and fires.” What did He say when you pass through? Everything in life, I’m there with you, I’m there to help you, I’m there to strengthen you, and I give you something that’s necessary to help you. I’ll give you the fruit of the Spirit, longsuffering.

What’s it for? It’s for all the wrongs and things we face in life with people, and the devil makes sure everybody, he’s done wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, why? That’s hell on earth, unforgiveness, because resentment, bitterness, then you know what happens? What happens to your prayers? It hinders them. That’s why the devil does it to you. He hates you. But brothers and sisters, God is going to take this gift of the fruit of the Spirit of longsuffering and help it to begin to operate in our lives, can you say amen? So we can grow up and flow with it. Can you say amen?

I tell you what I want to do before we close, about longsuffering, submit to it. I want to pray the sinner’s prayer. In case there is anyone here today, you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, that’s the first step. You’ve got to be a Christian to prove longsuffering will work for you.

Now if you’re a Christian, then the fruit of longsuffering can work for you, it’s there in you, but it has to be released and developed. But the first thing, you have to have Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.”

So what I want to do, I want to lead all of you in a prayer, that all of you pray it with me, that way if someone here they don’t have Jesus as Savior, you can pray this prayer and today you’ll be saved. And today that fruit of the Holy Spirit will be in your life, sort of helping you as you live down here on planet earth. He knows we live down here, so He’s made provisions for us.

Let’s all pray the salvation prayer first, “Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask you to save me. Jesus, forgive me of my sins. I receive you, Jesus Christ, as my personal Savior, because the Bible says, ‘Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.’ This day, I’ve obeyed this Scripture, I’m a whosoever, I call on the Name of the Lord Jesus, so I’m saved. Than you, Jesus, for saving me, amen.” Amen, amen, amen.

Now listen to me carefully, you here today, you never prayed this prayer before, I want you to walk up here and shake my hand. Because you know what you do? When you shake my hand, you’re just saying, “I’m your brother or your sister in the Lord, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.” If you prayed this prayer the first time today, the angels in heaven are rejoicing. The angels in heaven are rejoicing because you’re now a child of God. You’re now a child of God, amen. Anybody at all, you prayed this first time today, the first time you’ve prayed this prayer, I’d like you to just walk up here and just shake my hands, and I’d like to shake your hand, know you’re my brother, my sister in the Lord, knowing that I was blessed today by leading you in a prayer to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Anyone at all, anyone at all. We want to just encourage you to do it now. We’re not in a hurry. Anyone at all who has prayed today, this is the first time you ever prayed it. Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus. Anyone at all. Thank you, Jesus. Anyone at all, hallelujah, thank you, Jesus. Thank God for the grace of God, can you say amen?

Well, I’m going to accept it then that you’re all saved, if you died today you’d go to heaven, because whosoever came to the Lord shall be saved, can you say amen? So if we died today, we’d go to heaven and be with Jesus Christ and thank God for that you see?

Let me just lead you in a prayer, asking the Father in the name of Jesus to help you with this fruit of the Spirit of longsuffering. You just have to be honest, and say, “Lord, I know it’s in me. Help me, Lord, help me.” And what I’d do this week, I’d take this sheet this week, you got there, I’d go over it every day, read it every day. Now next Sunday, I’ll give you another sheet, it will have a lot of Scriptures on it to add to it. “Faith comes by” what? “Hearing the Word of God.” As you begin to read these things, you’ll be amazed how many things the Holy Spirit will quicken you about. You’ll read some of these things, the Holy Spirit will remind you of some things done wrong to you, 10, 15, 20 years ago, maybe some anger, resentment, bitterness, hurts. He’ll remind you of them, why?

He loves you. He wants to cleanse you of it. Now the devil will try to condemn you and put you down, “Well He won’t forgive you because you did this, oryou did that.” Just laugh and say, “Uh huh, that ain’t Jesus. Jesus will forgive me of anything, everything I’ll ask Him.” Can you say amen? And you can ask Him to forgive you of not operating in longsuffering, and He’ll help you to do it. Can you say amen?

Let’s pray this prayer together, say, “Father, in the Name of Jesus, thank you for saving me, and my salvation includes the fruit of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit lives in me. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that fruit of the Holy Spirit today is longsuffering. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask you to help me to submit and surrender to the fruit of the Spirit of longsuffering in me. Let this fruit operate in my life. Father, in the Name of Jesus, help me to be honest, and repent anytime I’m short suffering, because, Lord then you’ll forgive me, and you’ll help me to grow. So this fruit of longsuffering can develop in my life, so I can be prepared for the end time victorious living, because of the fruit of longsuffering, helps me to deal with people. Because all my life, I’ve dealt with people, all the rest of my life I’ll have to deal with people. I thank you, Jesus, for your love, your compassion, that you gave us a fruit of longsuffering, to help us deal with these things, amen.”

Boy, isn’t that the love of God? Isn’t that the love of God, Church? That’s the love of God, to give us this longsuffering. He says, “Children, children, children, I know you’ve got to live with people down there, I know the wrongs and all the things you go through, but I love you so much, I made provision for you. I’ve got heaven provided for you, I made a provision for you, but I provided the fruit of the Holy Spirit. As you get this longsuffering developed, you’re going to be able to handle things you couldn’t handle before.”

Just like when you got saved, you know, maybe the beer and the whiskey it don’t have no power over you no more. Like I said, I got set free from my big five: beer, whiskey, clubs, cursing, and cigars. What’s me? It’s still here, got no power over me no more. Beer, whiskey, clubs, cursing, and cigars are still here, but they’ve got no power over me. Who did He change? Me.

See, people doing you wrong, it will still be here, be like beer and whiskey, still be wrong, still be here. People taking advantage of you will still be here. People taking advantage of you will still be here, but you know who’ll be changed? We will be. Longsuffering will be there, and won’t let it get us, because the greater One lives inside of us.

Brothers and sisters, you’re the elect of God for this day and this hour, you’re a chosen generation for this day and this hour. You’re going to see things that no generation ever saw in the past. You’re going to see troubles and problems that no generation has ever seen. But at the same time, you’re going to see victory, you’re going to know the Lord like you’ve never known Him before. You’re going to experience the greatness of the glory of God as no generation ever has, as we enter these latter days, as we prepare for the return coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

And He’s going to develop the fruit in our lives, Church. He’s going to develop all these fruits of various areas, amen? I think after this morning, you’re going to understand more when I teach on the fruit, understand what they’re for. As we get through with it, you see, then I’ll teach on meekness, humility, and gentleness. Then we’ll probably end up teaching on the fruit again, every one of them. Why? Because see, they are there, they’re God’s gift to us, but we have to realize what they’re there for. Can you say amen? They’re there for us, they’re God’s help for us, His aid for us, to prepare us for these latter days that we might walk in victory we’ve never walked in before.

“Father, I thank you again for each one that’s here today. Father, I thank you for what you’ve done, and what you’re doing in our lives, and Lord, just help us, Lord, to yield more and more, and let that fruit of longsuffering operate in our lives, as we face the situations in life with people. And Lord, we know you’re going to develop it, Lord, then we’ll develop patience, Lord, for the problems we’ll be facing, that we’ve always faced problems, we’ve always faced people, and we always will have to deal with people, always will have to deal with problems, but Lord, you made arrangements for us. You’ve made provision for us by the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

“And Father, I ask you in Jesus’ Name, to give us a deeper spiritual understanding about these fruits, Lord. They’re not just something that we’ve got, but there’s a purpose in them, Lord. They have a divine purpose and a divine source in them, and, Lord, they’re your love in our heart, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance, they’re all there for a divine purpose, Lord.

“And Lord, as we surrender and submit, Lord, to the fruit of the Holy Spirit, then Jesus Christ will be glorified in our lives more than ever before. And Lord, we’ll be so changed, because you made provision for us, by giving us these fruit of the Holy Spirit. Lord, help us to understand and grow in wisdom and knowledge, in the fruit of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.”

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