Protection by Angels

Protection by Angels Rev. Elbert Willis               Total acceptance in total faith and total obedience brings total protection.  Partial acceptance, partial faith and partial obedience brings partial protection.  A little acceptance, a little faith, and a little...

Conquest of the Mind

Conquest of the Mind (Part 1) By Elbert Willis When an individual receives Jesus Christ and is born again of the Spirit of God, he instantaneously becomes a new creature in Christ. His spirit is reborn and God comes and taber­nacles Himself in that person’s...

Andando En El Amor Divino

ANDANDO EN EL AMOR DIVINO Por Elbert Willis Traducido y Revisado Por Alcance Hispano INDICE INTRODUCCION CAPITULO 1 EL PRINCIPIO DEL AMOR DE DIOS Conoce Lo Que Es el Amor De Dios Conoce El Ejemplo De Dios Conoce La Diferencia Entre El Sistema De Amor Del Mundo Y El...
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